What are “Hot” Essential Oils?

What are “Hot” Essential Oils?

“Hot” essential oils are those that provide a spicy and warm sensation when applied on the skin. This intense effect is due to the oils’ rich, concentrated plant compounds, and it is always recommended to dilute hot oils to avoid any skin irritations. While the experience may feel bold, “hot” oils offer a wealth of benefits when used properly.

Our “Hot” Essential Oil Line-up:

  • Cinnamon Cassia
  • Clove Bud
  • Black Pepper
  • Ginger
  • Lemongrass
  • Thyme
  • Wintergreen *
  • Peppermint *

* Although Wintergreen and Peppermint provide a cooling effect, they can be considered hot oils for those with sensitive skin.

The Benefits of “Hot” Oils

Hot oils are strong, intense, and can provide a host of therapeutic benefits for our well-being. Use them to:

  • Relieve muscle aches and joint pain
  • Boost circulation
  • Fight infections and support immunity
  • Soothe digestive issues
  • Invigorate the mind and body

How to Use “Hot” Oils Safely

When using “hot” essential oils, proper dilution is critical to avoid skin irritation. If not properly diluted or used neat, the skin could become red and swollen with raised bumps called wheals. If you have an irritation, it is important not to wash it off as that can cause the oil to go deeper into the skin; instead, use a carrier oil on the skin to dilute it further. We recommend a 1% dilution in a carrier oil, and for children, double the amount of carrier oil to that dilution ratio.

Always perform a patch test before wider application, especially if you have sensitive skin. To perform a patch test, simply dilute 1 drop of hot oil to 4 drops of a carrier oil and rub it onto your forearm. After several hours, if you do not have any skin irritation, the essential oil is safe to use. Typically, any reactions will generally occur after the initial 5-10 minutes once the oils have been applied.

If you are looking for aromatic benefits, then hot oils are no different than other essential oils; simply follow the instructions of your diffuser.

Cleaning with Hot Essential Oils

The very same compounds that give hot oils their stimulating, warming effects also make them highly effective cleaning agents. Oils like cinnamon, clove, and peppermint contain powerful antimicrobial properties that can eliminate bacteria, mold, and mildew on contact. Ditch the harsh chemicals and embrace the power of nature’s disinfectants.

For those seeking natural, non-toxic alternatives for cleaning, the germ-fighting properties of hot oils make them great cleaning agents. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the bathroom smell like cinnamon while fighting filth and grime! Try this general cleaning solution recipe and be sure to wear gloves:

Multi-purpose Surface Disinfectant

  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 8 drops of Lemon
  • 8 drops of Cinnamon
  • 8 drops of Clove bud
  • 8 drops of Peppermint
  • Dark glass spray bottle

Simply combine all the ingredients into a dark spray bottle, shake well, and spritz onto the surface. Let it sit for a few minutes to sanitize, disinfect, and kill bacteria. Afterwards, wipe away any residue and remaining solution – your home will be sparkling and infused with an invigorating aroma.

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